Just some notes to to everytime I changed Linux distribution for some reason.

Software Access

Install Software


  • aws-cli
  • bitwarden
  • bruno
  • cheese
  • chromium
  • code
  • dbeaver-ce
  • deja-dup
  • discord
  • electronplayer
  • element-desktop
  • ffmpeg
  • gimp
  • go
  • google-cloud-cli
  • hugo
  • inkscape
  • libreoffice
  • newsflash
  • nextcloud-desktop-client
  • node
  • slack
  • spotify
  • teams-for-linux
  • telegram-desktop
  • terraform
  • thunderbird
  • vlc
  • whatsapp-linux-app
  • xournalpp
  • zoom-client

System packages

atuin curl direnv docker (from website) findutils gdebi git gnome-browser-connector gnome-calendar gnome-tweaks gnome-weather howdy (from github) input-remapper libmysqlclient-dev minecraft-launcher (from website) mongodb-compass (from website) piper pipx ppa-purge pwgen steam-launcher (from website) timeshift

Pipx packages

  • black
  • flake8
  • argcomplete
  • notebook
  • poetry
  • pre-commit

Gnome Extensions

Configure System

  • settings -> keyboard -> shortcuts -> mouse3 (lateral button) to mute microphone
  • Enable dark mode
  • Configure displays
  • Dock -> Disable unmounted volumes

Input Remapper Configuration

  • F4 -> Shift_L + backslash
  • F3 -> backslash

Possible solution for CS:GO disconnecting

  • Turn off wifi when using ethernet connection

Restore Backup

Current Backup Configuration

Folders to Back Up:

  • Home

Folders do Ignore:

  • ~/.var
  • ~/Nextcloud
  • ~/Downloads
  • ~/snap
  • ~/.cache
  • Trash

Post Install

  • Download Steam Games
  • Login on Firefox and configure Extensions
  • Gnome Online Accounts configuration
  • Configure Thunderbird
  • Generate VPN Keys if needed
  • Enjoy :)